
Quick note, if none of the below exceptions are raised a HTTPX exception will be.

class backblaze.exceptions.BackblazeException

Base backblaze exception.

class backblaze.exceptions.AwaitingOnly

Raised when a coroutine called is awaiting supported only.

class backblaze.exceptions.BadRequest

There is a problem with a passed in request parameters.

class backblaze.exceptions.UnAuthorized

The code unauthorized means that the application key is bad.

class backblaze.exceptions.Forbidden

You have a reached a storage cap limit, or account access may be impacted in some other way; see the human-readable message.

class backblaze.exceptions.RequestTimeout

The service timed out trying to read your request. This isn’t raised for a HTTPX timeout, this is when backblaze times out.

class backblaze.exceptions.TooManyRequests

B2 may limit API requests on a per-account basis.

class backblaze.exceptions.InternalError

An unexpected error has occurred.

class backblaze.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable.

class backblaze.exceptions.AuthorizeRequired

Blocking.authorize or Awaiting.authorize hasn’t been called before running a function what requires it.